Thursday, September 24, 2015

3rd Generation Clothing Line looks to take over

I'm sure you've seen the headline of my blog, "making that transition from the trend, "swag" to living a "suave" lifestyle." Well a few friends and I created a clothing line a few years back called Third Generation Clothing Line, with the goal of doing just that. With most of us being considered "weird" or different because we wore things that some would call off the wall, and all of us having very creative minds, we decided to create this line.

Modeling Fall 2014 Apparel 

Summer 2015 Tshirt
"Fear No One" Summer 2014 Tshirt

The main goal of our line is to make people think outside of the box, I honestly believe you don't see things like this on an every day basis and when you think of the term suave, you probably think about some gentleman wearing a very nice suit but thats not all that suave is to me, I think being suave means thinking outside of the box and crossing lines that others would never think of crossing. 

There will be more clothing posted, and there are more than just these three pictures. If you want to see more, follow @3rd_g on Instagram and if your wanting to place an order directly, go to 

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that people our age are already striking out to become creatives and change the way society views us and themselves.
    A clothing line definitely challenges the taste of many trends.
