Tuesday, September 29, 2015

NFL Week 3: Winners and losers

Week three of football means that typically players have gotten those beginning of the season jitters out of the way and should be about business at this point. It also means that players are starting to wear stuff that shows their true colors when it comes to fashion, it shows who really has an eye for fashion and who was just bluffing at the beginning of the year.


Carolina Panters QB Cam Newton
Lets just start with the person I think won this weeks fashion award, Cam Newton. This guy is clearly a fashion connoisseur and this isn't unusual for him. He's pretty much always suave in his appearance on and off the field. He mixed things up with a blue camouflage suit with a blue bowtie. With his team at 3-0 and on top of the NFC South standings, everything seems to be going right for Cam.

Denver Broncos QB Peyton Manning
 My runner up for this week is Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning. His blue suit and orange tie shows team spirit and reflects him as a person and playing style. This suit is a mixture of conservative and suave which reflects him as a player. On the field he keeps it basic, but at the same time he seems to mix things up. even though he hasn't played as well as he could play, it doesn't really matter, his team is 3-0 as well and on top of their division.


San Diego Chargers QB Philip Rivers
Philip Rivers wins the fashion losers award this week. I am not to sure what he is wearing here, but he could do better than this. He's never seemed to have an eye for fashion, but this is kinda bad for me. he looks like he just left the ranch, or like he's about to go to a rodeo. The outfit is even worse to me based on the fact that he plays for San Diego, not the Cowboys... A Cowboy in San Diego? Come on. His team isn't playing so well either, sitting just under Oakland, yes Oakland in the AFC West standings at 1-2.

Atlanta Falcons QB Matt Ryan
 Well, I could be pretty critical of Matt Ryan here, based on the simple fact that he tore my Dallas Cowboys' defense apart in the second half on Sunday to mount a great comeback win, but I wont. I'll just keep it short by saying that he looks like Ed helms from the The Hangover with that dark denim button down shirt and the haircut. His Falcons are having a great season though so far at 3-0.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

3rd Generation Clothing Line looks to take over

I'm sure you've seen the headline of my blog, "making that transition from the trend, "swag" to living a "suave" lifestyle." Well a few friends and I created a clothing line a few years back called Third Generation Clothing Line, with the goal of doing just that. With most of us being considered "weird" or different because we wore things that some would call off the wall, and all of us having very creative minds, we decided to create this line.

Modeling Fall 2014 Apparel 

Summer 2015 Tshirt
"Fear No One" Summer 2014 Tshirt

The main goal of our line is to make people think outside of the box, I honestly believe you don't see things like this on an every day basis and when you think of the term suave, you probably think about some gentleman wearing a very nice suit but thats not all that suave is to me, I think being suave means thinking outside of the box and crossing lines that others would never think of crossing. 

There will be more clothing posted, and there are more than just these three pictures. If you want to see more, follow @3rd_g on Instagram and if your wanting to place an order directly, go to http://3rdg3n.bigcartel.com/. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's a great time to be alive for Drake and Future

People say that "consistency is everything"and a lot of times we don't listen. However, I got to thinking... That statement really is true, especially in the music and fashion world. Whoever is hot gets the most attention from society in both music, fashion and a lot of times even sports.

What A Time To Be Alive cover by Drake & Future.

As many may know, Drake and Future came out with a new joint-mixtape on Sunday evening, that had the hip-hop world in a frenzy. Most hip-hop fans loved it, and so did a lot of rappers, but there were some that weren't so fond of the mixtape. (P.S. I loved it.) So far throughout the week I've seen all kinds of memes and tweets about this mixtape, some funny, praising the duo for a fire mixtape, but some fellow rappers, like Kid Cudi who think it's mediocre. Yes, from a musical side of things, this mixtape was mediocre, but lyrically it's one of the best, and the producers laid out creative and suave beats that I think rival any of the bests. Either way, this mixtape stirred up a lot of opinions because Future and Drake are two completely different rappers. Drake being known for his love songs, or songs with a very catchy slogan, and Future's "trap music" educating the hood on the real life situations. So for both of them to come into this, and make this mixtape was quite controversial.
Rapper Kid Cudi speaks out.

With all this frenzy, I think this is a perfect time for the two rappers to get a leg up in the fashion world. They need to start making statements, being bold and voice their opinion when it comes to fashion. Future has somewhat been in the fashion world, but Drake not so much. I just think that sine they are both on top of the rap game for the time being, they should (and probably will) start getting some music videos from the mixtape together, and also should rock some new stuff we haven't seen before if they really want to take everything over. This could be a great time for the two rappers who are already known as two elite modern rappers. Don't be surprised if you wake up, and these two rappers are all over commercials, clothing stores and award shows. 
Drake (left), Future (right) shaking hands.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fashion Winners, Losers: Week 1

Sunday was week one for or NFL football and what a week it was. My Dallas Cowboys won though, in an unbelievable comeback against Eli Manning, and the New York Giants. However, the story of the week for me at least, was the fashion week one had to offer, some good and some bad.

This week's fashion winner had to be Buffalo Bills quarterback Tyrod Taylor. May people don't particularly like his outfit, but you know what this outfit features? Uniqueness. I believe a huge aspect of being suave depends on how you think outside of the box, and this outfit, was the definition of thinking outside of the box. In my opinion, if you think this outfit is "too extravagant" or "too much", you may be a bit simple minded when it comes to fashion and think that the only acceptable   outfit in this occasion would be a nice, matching suit and tie. Don't get me wrong, a matching suit and tie is also very nice and I respect those who wear that, but I also believe that the way a man wears a suit or the type of suit a man wears reflects his personality. Some men (like myself) feel too simple wearing a matching suit with no real designs in it tat make it stand out.

Houston Texans DE, J.J. Watt

As big of a fan as I am of J.J. Watt, he is this weeks fashion loser for me. I think it's pretty clear why. Your making almost $2 million per year and you can't manage to dress up for one day out of the week. That's all the NFL asks and it's honestly not that hard. This matching sweatsuit combination may have worked in high school, probably worked in college too, but for sure will not work in the National Football League. Especially considering this is week one, and you really should be at your best. I believe if theres ONE week out of the 16 week season to dress up, this week should be the one. He had a pretty good game, but I must say that I am quite disappointed in him on this aspect of the game.