It's pretty safe to say that fashion period, has changed over time but one thing I've noticed changing the most is black fashion. Here in the past five or so years I noticed trends from the 1990's hip hop fashion along with 1990's rock n' roll fashion, mixed with a little twist of modern day flare. Personally its something I like! I hear criticism left and right about it but I hear good things too.
There are rappers like Wiz Khalifa who are trend-settters in todays day, but even trend-setters have to get their ideas from somewhere. In the two pictures below, you will see a huge similarity between Wiz and a rock star by the name of Jimi Hendrix. Of course theres a bit of a difference due to the three to four decades between the two, but the concept is the same. Skinny pants, jacket with no shirt under it and bandanas, along with the over use of marijuana and other drugs. However, there's a clear difference between he two, like I said, probably because of the era. There's a much darker look in the picture of Wiz Khalifa (bottom), that resembles a little but of the 90's rock and roll scene. The only thing that makes what he's doing so unique is all of the tattoos, which covers the modern day flare that I was talking about earlier.

Personally I am a fan of this particular new wave of fashion, but where there good, theres always bad. There are pictures like this, featuring R&B singer August Alsina that I am not a huge fan of. this is a mix of too many things in my opinion, and I've never been a huge fan of the super skinny pants, with baggy shirts and jackets. This is a trend that won't last more than a few months and will go down in history as one of the biggest laughing stalks of music fashion. Still it has some ties to rock n' roll fashion, the skinny pants with the jacket. It actual looks to be something that past artists like George Clinton and the Parliament would wear. This is something I WOULD NOT recommend wearing out in public. I am aware that fashion is what you make it but there are times when people take it a little bit too far.